Our News items
Maintaining a connection with the natural world, by Mrs Muddy
Date: 15th May 2021 @ 7:45pm
Mental Health Awareness Week may be coming to an end, but maintaining a connection with the natural world and taking good care of our wellbeing is still so important.
The Wildlife Trusts have some great suggestions of things you can do to help relieve stress and improve mental wellbeing. We love this mandala activity!
Find more ideas here: https://mythrive.uk/31hp50w
How can nature benefit my mental health?, by Mrs Muddy
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 9:38pm
Spending time in green space or bringing nature into your everyday life can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing. For example, doing things like growing food or flowers, exercising outdoors or being around animals can have lots of positive effects.
The downloadable file below shares some brilliant ideas
5 ways to better wellbeing for your family, by Mrs Muddy
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 9:31pm
A mental health downloadable information sheet: 5 ways to better wellbeing for your family.
Mental Health Awareness Week, by Mrs Muddy
Date: 10th May 2021 @ 10:35am
Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 10th
Oak Leaves, by Mrs Woollam
Date: 8th May 2021 @ 6:12pm
In order for our newly revamped reception area to look truly amazing, I
Word Millionaires, by Mrs Woollam
Date: 8th May 2021 @ 6:08pm
Our word millionaire badges finally arrived on Friday and were given out to the worthy recipients. Well done to all our millionaires. We are hoping more children will soon join the millionaire list as some are very close!
Changes, by Mrs Woollam
Date: 8th May 2021 @ 6:03pm
We thought you might like to see some of the changes happening in school at the moment from the new reception area to the organisation of the library. As the saying goes,
Alsager Nub News, by Mrs Muddy
Date: 6th May 2021 @ 9:52pm
A wonderful report about our new Headteacher via the Alsager Nub News:
Summer Term, by Tina Muddy
Date: 17th Apr 2021 @ 9:13pm
Dear Parents & Carers,
I hope this letter finds you all safe and well and enjoying the sunny Easter weather.
As we embark on the final term of yet another disrupted and challenging academic year, I am looking forward to getting to know you and your children better as I start my full time position as Headteacher.
Our main priority this term, is for our children to have an uninterrupted end to their academic year, or indeed primary education. We would like to have as much normality as possible, including wider curriculum opportunities and end of year celebrations. In order to have the best possible chance of succeeding in our aim, we ask you as parents and carers to adhere to the Government Covid-19 guidelines, maintain social distancing and wear a face covering when necessary.
In order to try and improve the staggered start to the school day, we have amended the start times of some classes. I apologise for yet another change, but hopefully the times stated below will mean children are waiting around for a shorter amount of time. Please do your best to adhere to the new start times. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation on this matter.
Class | School Day |
EYFS | 8.50
Easter menu 1st April, by Mrs Muddy Date: 29th Mar 2021 @ 8:40pm Our Easter menu for Thursday 1st April Thank You to Asda Supermarkets, by Mrs Muddy Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 1:26pm This week we gratefully received a very kind donation of laptop devices (including headphones, data and wireless internet connection) from Asda supermarkets. The Alsager branch nominated our school to receive these devices in a national ‘Laptops for Schools’ programme Asda was running in partnership with Dell and Vodaphone. The supermarket chain has made the generous gesture to help support children in their learning following the partial closure of schools over the last 12 months. The devices themselves are of a high specification and can be used with both keyboards and touch screen, for this reason we plan to use them with our Reception and Key Stage 1 children. In the picture are Steve Rowley (Manager of Asda Alsager), Jess Rigby (Asda employee), Mrs Frost (our School Business Manager) and Ben V, Olivia T, Holly R, Billy E, Isla B and George F, all from Reception and Key Stage 1, who will be lucky enough to be using these devices soon. Thank you Asda and Dell!
Comic Relief - Non Uniform Day, by Mrs Muddy Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 6:50pm Tomorrow (Friday 19th) is comic relief non uniform day – Please wear something red if possible and bring one pound to donate to comic relief - We will be telling jokes to find the best one in each class to be shared in our celebration assembly and also to be shared on our newsletter next week! Year 6 Leavers Jumpers, by Mrs Muddy Date: 11th Mar 2021 @ 4:10pm Dear Year 6 Parent / Carer We are delighted to offer you and your child, the opportunity to purchase a Class of 2021 Leavers Hoody for the Year 6 cohort of 2021. The hoodies will have a large `21` printed on the back, containing the first name (not nicknames) and surname initial of all students in the year group and will also feature an embroidered school logo on the front. The colour will be charcoal grey for all children, with white lettering. We will permit all year 6 children to wear their leavers hoody as part of their school uniform from Monday 7th June onwards until they leave us on 16th July. Please dowload the information below for further details:
It's Mindful March, by Mrs Muddy Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 1:51pm This calendar has lots of easy mindful activities for each day in March. NSPCC Assembly, by Mrs Muddy Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 10:40pm The NSPCC have developed an adapted version of their 'Speak Out. Stay Safe.' assembly to support children through the current lockdown. This will be shown as a Facebook live event on Tuesday 23rd February at 10am and can be accessed via the NSPCC Facebook page. It will be available afterwards on the NSPCC website as well. Communication Thursday, by Mrs Muddy Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 1:59pm Dear Parents / Carers Safer Internet Day Certificate, by Mrs Muddy Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:11pm Our Safer Internet Day 2021 Certificate "Together for a Better Internet" UK SAFER INTERNET DAY, by Mrs Muddy Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 5:37pm UK SAFER INTERNET DAY - Tuesday 9th February This year Safer Internet Day explores reliability online. The internet has an amazing range of information and opportunities online, but how do we separate fact from fiction? Safer Internet Day will be celebrated globally with the slogan: Together for a better internet. More info here: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2021 UK SAFER INTERNET DAY - RESOURCES BY AGE GROUP To support the delivering of interventions the UK Safer Internet Centre have developed a library of educational resources that covers all age ranges and is inclusive of parent/carer resources additionally. https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/safer-internet-day-2021/i-work-young-people
UK SAFER INTERNET DAY - FILMS To mark Safer Internet Day these three films have been produced. They cover the 5 -11 year olds, 12 - 18 year olds & parents and carers.
Space Topic, by Mrs Muddy Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 4:13pm Year two have been busy with their space topic this week and they have all made robots. This robot’s name is ‘Sir Job Flag’ (an anagram of the children’s names). Virtual holiday club, by Mrs Muddy Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 9:32pm Wesley Place Methodist Church are running a virtual holiday club for three days called 'Big Dreams' Holiday Club over half term. Its aimed at primary school children and its free. they will be looking at big dreams and hopes for the future and the story of Joseph. There will be a YouTube video released at 10am and then we will join them on zoom at 11:30am. Both will last about 30 minutes. In between the sessions, there will be a chance to create crafts, where will be providing packs. For more information contact [email protected] Communication Thursday, by Mrs Muddy Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 4:09pm Dear Parents / Carers I hope you and your families remain safe and well. Many thanks for all the positive comments we are receiving from families about our remote learning offer and the support we are providing. This week our daily Breakfast Club started and has been very well attended, we have distributed more laptops, our reading book swapping service has started and we have approximately one third of our children in school on a daily basis. It is really frustrating when I hear in the media that schools are ‘closed’, they most certainly are not and we are very busy. As I am sure many of you are aware, this week is also ‘Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week’ and we have posted various related items and links on our website and social media feeds. If you have completed any of the activities linked to mental health awareness week and positive wellbeing that you are happy to be shared with our school community, please e mail your photos and comments to Mrs Henshall at [email protected] and we can share them on our social media feeds and website. It is important that we remember to support and look out for each other, especially during the current situation. However, as I have said before, it is important to remind ourselves and our children, that it is perfectly normal to feel a ‘little flat’ or ‘fed up’ sometimes (especially at the moment), everyone does and that is not a sign of mental illness, it is human nature. As we approach half term, I would like to praise all our fantastic young people and brilliant staff for the way in which they have approached and managed this difficult start to the term. We do not know anymore as yet, about the full re-opening of schools to all children. The date of the 8th March remains the government’s ambition but that all depends on certain conditions being met, so we will continue with our current offer for the foreseeable future. The one minor thing that will change after half term, is that rather than using ‘Zoom’ for the daily class tutorials and targeted tutorials, we will be using ‘Microsoft Teams’ instead. This is much better platform and will allow staff and children to do much more with it in terms of teaching and learning. The staff have been completing training on how to use this over recent weeks. This is the only change, everything else will be as it is now, apart from as from Monday 15th February, all tutorials will be conducted through ‘Teams’. I will send more details about this in next week’s newsletter. Please remember we are here for you and to contact school on [email protected] if you have any questions, need support or have any ideas as how we could improve what we are doing. Best wishes and please keep yourselves safe. Richard Middlebrook Remote Learning Offer for Reading, by Mrs Muddy Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:21am
As you continue to support your children with their Remote Learning at home during this national lockdown, we wanted to update our offer of support with reading. Please download the letter below for more information. Communication Thursday, by Mrs Muddy Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 2:45pm Dear Parents and Carers We're in the News!, by Mrs Muddy Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 2:12pm Alsager News Hub have shared a lovely news article about our letters and cards to local care homes - check it out here... Communication Thursday, by Mrs Muddy Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 11:22am Dear Parents / Carers I hope you and your families remain safe and well. After all the changes and government announcements of last week, things have calmed down a little and we are starting to establish some routines here in school. It is very important that children have routine when working at home too and I would encourage all parents / carers to try and get this in place as best you can. Hopefully, the daily Zoom calls with your child’s class teacher, are helping to establish some form of routine at home. I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we have encountered a few technical issues with these calls but we are slowly sorting them out. If you are experiencing difficulties and are unable to join these daily Zoom tutorials, please contact us ASAP ([email protected] or 01270 882472) and we will do our best to sort it out. I would also like to praise our fantastic staff for embracing this new way of working so readily. It is a big change for us all and the staff have shown real professionalism in delivering these remote tutorials, we will no doubt all get better at them the more we practice. My thanks to those parents who have been in touch and said how much their child is enjoying these daily calls. If we have concerns that your child is not engaging in these tutorials or with the work we are setting, we will be in touch. It is really important that all children remain focused on their school work and keep up with their reading during this period of remote learning. Please remember you can submit photographs of child’s work or achievements through ‘Highfields Stars From Afar’ – see our website for details. Today our food parcels for families entitled to Free School Meals have arrived in school and these will be distributed as soon as possible by our newly appointed Family Liaison Officer, Sara Leopold. Please remember that if you, your child / children or family need any support, advice or help during this difficult time, get in touch with us. We are here for you. Please see the attached letter from Mrs Henshall our SENCO which offers further advice and guidance for parents and families. Can I please encourage everyone to stay safe during this national lockdown, please follow government guidelines in terms of reducing the amount of contacts outside of your family or bubble that you are having. If your son / daughter is coming into school, please do not congregate around the gates at the start or end of the day, please keep your distance from others and please wear a face covering. It is worth remembering that schools are not closed, we are open with large numbers of children on site and staff are working very hard under difficult circumstances and we must all do what we can to keep each other safe.
My thanks for your continued support and understanding
Warm regards
Richard Middlebrook Acting Headteacher and Executive Headteacher AMAT Student Login |