Parents Viewpoint
We love receiving parent comments and feedback, here are a few recent quotes we'd like to share.
'I can't believe how much my son has learnt in such a short space of time, he has gone from hardly knowing his letters and sounds to being very confident, he has even started blending and writing his name independently'
'My son has progressed fantastically! He was not interested at all in writing, drawing, colouring despite our efforts so we are really thrilled to see how quickly things have changed. He loves to spell out sounds, is recognising words and tricky words when we are out and about. Now he loves to write his name and other CVC words all the time! Thank you.'
'My child has developed great relationships with the teachers and many friends'
'My son speaks really positively about teachers and looks forward to school. He has come on leaps and bounds, although he knew the alphabet and could read a few 3 letter words, he was really struggling to write letters. Now he is writing the whole alphabet and can read whole sentences! He has put all the building blocks together in a very short time, he seems very proud of what he can do'
'The speed of progress for my child has been amazing and very fast paced, they can recognise most letters and numbers now with no problem.'
'I love SEESAW, I think it is lovely that we can see what they are up to day to day.'
'My child has developed good relationships with her teachers, and has a close group of friends. She is happy in reception.'
'We love seeing pictures on SEESAW on a daily basis, it is very comforting seeing what she is getting up to.'
'We love the updates on SEESAW, my child loves to look at the photos and it encourages him to talk about his school day.'
'We are really happy. Our child has really grown in confidence since starting in Reception. She is comfortable asking for help and sharing news with her teachers. She has a lovely group of friends and is learning how to build relationships.'
'We have been amazed at the speed of her learning! The resources provided for learning sounds and forming letters are great! She is now really confident sounding out words, recognising numbers and attempting various bits of writing.'
'I check SEESAW throughout the day, it's lovely to see what she is up to because we can then talk about/reinforce/consolidate it at home. It opens up a conversation about the mysteries of her day! She likes that I can share things back to you too. It is very useful for us parents who cannot do drop off. '
'I'm not an expert on early reading but I think the reading resources and high expectations for home reading are great and really organised. It's been a learning curve for us! Thank you for your excellent communication and for looking after her so well!'
'My child has learnt all of the letter sounds so quickly. She can blend most sounds/words from the sound blending book without using the image. Her letter formation has dramatically improved in just the first few weeks of Reception.'
'All staff are superb - thank you!'