Our News items

New Workshops from Visyon, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 10:18pm

Visyon in Congleton has new parent carer workshops to support a variety of needs. Please see details in the files below:




Summer Holiday Resources, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 20th Jul 2023 @ 8:32pm

Resources from the Witherslack group for supporting parents who have children with Autism/ ADHD in the summer holidays.

Reception Celebration, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 20th Jul 2023 @ 5:11pm

Reception have finished their first year at school and what a year it's been! Well done everyone we are proud of you ? 

Pirates of the Curry Bean, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 17th Jul 2023 @ 10:34pm

Y6 thoroughly enjoyed entertaining everyone during their performance of 'Pirates of the Curry Bean'! Thank you to everyone who supported our lovely children. 

Peak Wildlife Park, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 16th Jul 2023 @ 10:40pm

Year 1 had a fabulous day at Peak Wildlife Park last week. We stroked goats, fed wallabies and saw meerkats, lemurs and penguins. We had lunch in a tipi in the pouring rain and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Leavers Party, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 15th Jul 2023 @ 11:10am

Everyone had a fabulous time at the Year 6 Leavers party!

This Week's Superstars, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 6:43pm

Congratulations to our superstars this week!

Cheshire Young Carers, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 2:46pm

A young carer is a child aged 6 to 18 who carries out activities that can be defined as “providing care” for a parent/guardian or sibling. Many of them do not qualify for any kind of statutory support. The carer role they undertake can range from occasionally looking after a sibling to supporting an adult with medical interventions, general housework, preparing meals and generally running the household. 

Please find below a leaflet which has information on the support offered by Cheshire Young Carers. Click on the links below for more information about their holiday programmes.

Year 2 Art Work, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 5:09pm

Year 2 have been creating some art work this week using acrylic paints.

Water Safety, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 27th Jun 2023 @ 7:50pm

Dear parents/carers, 
The following information has been shared with us, we recently covered this in assembly with Mrs Henshall however please talk to your children about being safe around water regularly.
Thank you 

Summer Fair Announcement, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 11:50am

?? Join us for an EPIC summer fair! ?? Get ready for an amazing evening filled with laughter, games, and loads of FUN! ??

? This is more than just a fun-filled event, it's an opportunity to make a real difference in our kids' lives! ?? The money raised from the fair goes straight back to our awesome pupils, supporting their education, extracurricular activities, and development ? But.....

?? We can only make this fair a reality with YOUR support in donation requests! ?? Details to follow but we kindly ask you look around your home and reach out to family, and friends, and see if they'd be willing to contribute to our cause. Every donation, big or small helps! ??

? And that's not all – we also need enthusiastic volunteers like YOU to make this event a roaring success! If you're willing to lend a helping hand, even for a short time, your support is invaluable!  Let us know if you can help ??

? So mark your calendars: 7th July! Bring your family and  friends and let's have fun and raise some money! ??

 #SummerFair #SupportOurKids #VolunteerPower #DonateForACause

Moving Images, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 18th Jun 2023 @ 10:54am

William was so inspired by the moving pictures year 3 have made at school, he decided to make his own at home. He shared it with the class today and we were all really impressed!

Mental Health Artwork, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 18th Jun 2023 @ 10:51am

This thoughtful piece of art work was created by one of our children in year 4, we talk a lot about mental health and asking for help and we thought it was an amazing representation of how we sometimes say we are okay when we are not. 

Loneliness, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 18th Jun 2023 @ 10:48am

Last week we welcomed Pete Howard from the Community Church to our assembly, he talked to the children about loneliness and changes and how we can help each other, the children all agreed to look after each other. The children were respectful and thoughtful and listened brilliantly!

Alsager Carnival, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 18th Jun 2023 @ 10:41am

A huge thank you to the staff, parents and children - the Highfields float looked fabulous at the Alsager Carnival yesterday! Well done Highfields!

Learning About the Brain, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 17th Jun 2023 @ 3:02pm

Last week the children in year 3 learned all about the brain and how we send messages to different parts of our body, up to 250 miles per hour! We also practised mindful happy breathing to help to relax our minds. The children were brilliant and now they are able to use happy breathing whenever they need to focus and feel calm.

Visyon Workshops, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 3:28pm

Visyon is the local mental health charity for children and young people. Please find a letter to parents/carers about the services they offer. In addition please also find flyers for upcoming Parent Carer workshops in June and July.

No Outsiders, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 8:55pm

Every class had the opportunity to work with Mr Moffatt from No Outsiders today and the children and staff all had a fabulous day. Mr Moffatt said our children were amazing, their behaviour, listening and engagement astounded him and he works in different primary schools across the country every day. No Outsiders is part of our PSHE curriculum, which Mrs Woollam brought with her when she joined Highfields. A range of picture books are used throughout the year to explore various themes with kindness, acceptance and respect. https://no-outsiders.com/about-us

Well Done Oliver!, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 10:31pm

A big shout out to Oliver this week as he has been focusing on his reading, working hard to improve and showing great perseverance! Well done. 

Down Syndrome Cheshire, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 10:24pm

This week we welcomed Steve, from Down Syndrome Cheshire, for our assembly. He spoke to the children about Down Syndrome, what it is and how it can affect children and adults. We also talked about how being a good friend to someone with Down Syndrome is the same as being a good friend to anyone; be kind, be thoughtful and support and listen.  He thanked the children for all of the money and awareness they have raised for Downs Syndrome Cheshire and he taught the children some Makaton including the signs for 'friend' and 'play'. The children listened brilliantly and, as always, warmly welcomed our visitor with respect and great listening. Our School Council had supported the children in class to identify our charities for this year so they got meet Steve and have a photograph taken. 

Superstars, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 10:16pm

This week Mrs Woollam shared lots of things she was proud of in our school and we celebrated our many superstars! 

Celebration Assembly Superstars!, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 6:58pm

Congratulations to our wonderful award winners who this week have shone with their determination and great attitudes - well done!

SEND parent/carer coffee afternoon, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 17th May 2023 @ 9:17pm

Yesterday at our coffee afternoon, Danielle visited from the Caudwell Trust to talk to our families about the support that is available from the team. She talked about the sensory packs, the Autism assessments and the short breaks that they offer. Danielle left lots of leaflets in reception so please pop in and get one if you would like to find out more. Danielle has said she is happy to come back and talk to parents if anyone missed her and would like to talk to her about the services that they offer.
Our next SEND parent/carer coffee afternoon is on Friday 16th June 2-3pm. Please email the office to book your place.

Celebration Assembly, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 10:05pm

It was lovely to celebrate our superstars this week in our celebration assembly. We also had to applaud our children in Year 6, they have been truly amazing this week undertaking their SATS. They persevered and each and every year 6 had the most amazing attitude towards trying their very best! We are so proud - well done! Also a huge thank you to all of our wonderful staff at school who have supported the SATS this week - there has been a whole team supporting our children this week with extra break duties, shuffling timetables and cooking toast, crumpets, pancakes, muffins and sausage and bacon baps each morning for extra brain energy. 

Ofsted Report, by Mrs Muddy

Date: 9th May 2023 @ 10:56am

We are pleased to share our latest Ofsted report from the inspection conducted on the 21st and 22nd March 2023:

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