Mrs Lindblad's Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Lindblad

Autumn term.jpg

Year 1

Welcome to our Class Page

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Hello Everyone and WELCOME to Year 1!

I hope that you have all had a lovely Summer holiday and are excited to be coming back to school. I am certainly looking forward to seeing you all. I have got lots of exciting things planned and I can't wait to watch you grow further in confidence and show everyone how amazing you are.

On this webpage you will find important information about the school day and week. Please have a read through and make sure you check it regularly for any changes. I will continue to use Seesaw and I will send important information that way too. You can also contact me via Seesaw if you need to.


Further down this page you will find a weekly learning journey  to let you know what we will be covering each week and I hope this will enable you to support your child where possible and talk to them about what they have been learning in class.


Our School Day

Now that we are in the Main School, the school days will start at 8.45am and end at 3.15pm. I will meet children at the hall doors each morning from 8.40am and should you wish to speak to me please feel free to catch me either at the start or the end of the day.


Our learning this term

We have lots of exciting things planned this term and I hope that your child will come home each day feeling excited about their day. The yearly curriculum planner can be found in the files section of the web page below.

In English, we will being focussing in particular on learning about what a sentence is and how to write one. We will be also be practicing our letter formation and making sure that we know all the capital letters and how to write them.

Our story topic is 'The Jolly Postman' and our writing will then be based around  this book.


Jolly Postman image.jpg


 In maths this half term we will be working on numbers to 10. We will be learning to count up to and an back from 10. We will be learning to acurately count objects and represent numbers both as numerals and using counters. We will then move onto finding one more and one less than a number before working on our additon and subtraction skills. 


Autumn Dates for your diary



This year we will have two P.E. lessons a week. This term they will take place on a Wednesday with Miss Hook and a Friday afternoon with myself. We would like the children to come dressed for P.E. on these 2 days so that we won't have to worry about getting changed. Please be aware that most lessons will take place outside so we would appreciate it if the children could be wearing their school track suit over their shorts and T shirt so that we are prepared for all weather. Children will also need a water bottle for P.E. lessons as they always get very thirsty.



We will provide daily fruit or vegetables to every child in year 1 so they do not need to bring in any additional snack. We appreciate your support with our fruit only snack policy in Year 1.

Fruit Bowl Image.jpg


Water Bottles:

Please make sure that your child comes to school each day with a named water bottle that contains water only. We encourage children to drink water regularly.




  • Read every night
  • Doodle Maths for 10 minutes daily
  • English/ handwriting sheet weekly




As a school will place a high emphasis on teaching children to read and we are passionate about fostering a love of reading and books. Your child will read daily to an adult during their phonics lesson and will have additional reads where time allows. We ask you to please read with your child daily as this will have an impact on their reading progress as well as on all areas of their learning.  Please also write a short comment in your child's reading diary when you have listened to them read as we now expect every child to read at least 4 times a week minimum. Reading diaries are checked daily in Year 1.




Here is our LEARNING JOURNEY for this week!

Week beginning Monday 21st October


We will practise our letter formation.

We will learn about what a sentence is.

We will write a recount of planting the magic beans.

We will report what happened when we came into school the day after planting the magic beans.

We will recount the story of Jack and the Beanstalk as a whole class.

We will sequence the story of Jack and the Beanstalk using pictures.

We will continue to learn some of the Year 1 Common Exception Words.




We will count to 10 and back

We will solve subtraction picture problems.

We will show how addition and subtraction are linked.

We will consolidate what we have learned about subtraction

We will name positions

We will name positions in queues





We will predict whether an object will float or sink



We will create a title page for next term's hisory topic



We will use potatoes to make pumpkins by printing.



We will create a title page for next half term's topic



We will move in time to various pieces of music.



Our topics this half term are fitness and fundamentals of P.E.



We will begin to type simple words using word



We will learn about  healthy friendships.


Best Wishes

Kathryn Lindblad

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