Junior Safeguarding Team
Alsager Highfields' Junior Safeguarding Team
“I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.” - Greta Thunberg
Who are we?
We are a group of children from Year 2 to 6 who work together to help our school to be safe for all of us, children, teachers and visitors. We are supported by Mrs Harrison (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead). We have voted for and elected our Junior Safeguarding Team for this year and they are all very excited to meet and formulate our action plan for the term ahead.
The Aims of our Safeguarding Council
- To make our school as safe as it can be.
- For all children and adults to feel happy, safe and included.
Our Role
- We will help to make sure the children at our school know how to keep themselves safe through half-termly assemblies;
- We will listen to the ideas, opinions and suggestions of our class;
- We will review and contribute to school policies;
- We will help to make our school rules, ensuring everyone stays safe;
- We will discuss our learning and how it could be made even better;
- We will share our views with Staff, Governors and Parents;
- We will work closely with our School Council and Ethos Groups;
- To make sure visitors are safe in our school;
- To monitor safety in and out of school as well as online.
Safeguarding Team News
February 2024
Our KS2 ambassadors have shared an assembly based on road safety, making sure children know how to keep themselves and others safe. They spoke with confidence and clarity, and even shared a quiz at the end of the session.
December 2023
Our Y5 and 6 ambassadors spent an afternoon creating a child-friendly safeguarding policy and safeguarding posters for the classrooms and communal areas. We want to ensure that every child is confident that they know how to keep themselves safe and who our safeguarding leads are.
November 2023
To mark Anti-Bullying week, we held our second assembly to share the message: make some noise about bullying. We pledged as a school that 'Bullying is not welcome here', making sure that all of our children know what bullying is and what to do if they were to see it happening. We linked this to our No Outsiders work, remembering that it is not ok to be a bystander and just let things happen.
3rd October 2023
Today we led our first safeguarding assembly, focusing on Operation Encompass. We shared this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xENut_nvZk and talked about what happens if there is a domestic abuse incident in the home and the police are called. We also reminded everyone what safeguarding is, who is responsible for safguarding in our school (everyone, but Mrs Dyde, Mrs Woollam, Mrs Riley, Mrs Millichap, Mrs Ryde and Mrs Harrison lead this area) and what we should do if we ever feel unsafe.
18th November 2022
Our Junior Safeguarding Team met with Mrs Henshall recently to discuss and update on the developments throughout the school.
The key points discussed were;
Road Safety Competition poster was extended until this Monday as Oli had been delayed coming into school, this was shared with the children in class.
Oli Branfield PCSO for Alsager is coming into school on Monday to judge the Road Safety poster competition. He will meet with the team and discuss his role in Alsager.
Anti-bullying week review - we discussed what we had all learned about this week and how we will move forward with our anti-bullying work across the school
The SG team will complete a perimeter safety walk with Mr Preston, our site supervisor next week to develop their understanding of his role in keeping the site safe
The Y5 and Y6 representatives have been invited to the Junior Safeguarding conference in March at the High School, where 7 local schools get together and discuss and develop their safeguarding work across their schools.