Mrs Harrison's Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Harrison

Year 6 webiste title page.jfif

Welcome to Year 6!

It's our final half-term!

We've made it Y6! We've got through our SATs and had a fantastic time on our residential, and now we've got our final few weeks together. We've still got lots of learning to do, as well as our production and leavers' activities, so there is no time to rest. Remember homework will look different this half-term, as I am very aware that you had extra in the build-up to SATs. Get ready for a busy seven weeks!

Please remember, the school day starts at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm. It is crucial that you are on time everyday so that you do not miss any learning during our morning activities. 

So, Class of 2024, let’s be the best versions of ourselves, give it all we’ve got, and make this a fantastic year of learning, friendship and smiles! 

Mrs Harrison 

This Week's Learning Journey 

w/c 1st July 


For our English lessons, we will be writing our Highfields Highlights in readiness for our Leavers' assembly on Friday 19th July.

We will also be rehearsing for our end-of-year production of 'Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits'.

Maths (Maths No Problem)

This week we will be looking at finanacial literacy, using resources from the education element of Natwest.

We will continue to practice times tables and mixed arithmetic through our fluency sessions.


Our unit focus this half term will be Evolution and Inheritance. This week we will be looking at Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution.


This half-term, we will be thinking about the impact of WWII on Britain. This week we will focus on evacuation, considering what this experience was like for the children involved.


Not this half-term.


This half-term we will be learning songs for our Y5/6 production, 'Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits'.


This half-term, we will be learning about 3D modelling.


Our focus this half term is 'Being my best self'.


Our focus this half-term is cafe culture and restaurants.


Our focus in PE for this half-term will be rounders on Tuesdays and mixed sports on a Friday. We will also practise our dance for our production.


Our focus this half-term will be about suffering.


Not this half-term


This half-term we will be creating animal masks with a multi-media approach.



Dates for your diary:

  • Transition day to Alsager School - Wednesday 3rd July (children to go straight to the high school); children not attending Alsager to be in school as normal 
  • Y5/6 Performance - Thursday 11th July during the school afternoon and Friday 12th July during the school morning
  • Leavers' party - evening of Thursday 18th July
  • Leavers' assembly - Friday 19th July am (exact time tbc)

I understand each year group is a little different and that you may have questions. Hopefully the information below will help, but please feel free to pop a note in your child’s reading diary and ask them to show me, catch me at the classroom door at the end of the day, or send an email via the school office and I will get back to you as soon as I am able. 

The Y6 curriculum: there is a link at the bottom of this page to the Y6 curriculum overview, which outlines the learning for the year. Some of the texts may change based on new publications and the class’ interests. You will also find a document outlining the national expectations for Y6; of course some children will be working below or above these statements, but I am sure it will be a helpful guide. I have also attached the Y5/6 spellings that it is expected all Y6 children know in order be assessed at the ‘expected standard’. This runs alongside the weekly spelling activities we will complete both in class and as homework, so please practice these as often as you can with your child. 

PE: PE will take place on Tuesdays and Fridays this term. Children should come dressed in their PE kits on these days. 

Snacks and water bottles: please ensure children bring a healthy snack for breaktime and a named water bottle (no juice) to drink from throughout the day. 

Reading: Please ensure your child reads every day at home, as this will have an incredible impact on not just their reading ability, but all areas of learning both now and in the future. As an absolute minimum, children must read at least 4 times a week as part of their homework, and they must record their reading in their reading diary. Please sign their diary at the end of every week (I will do so during their Guided Reading slot during the week). If your child needs to take a quiz on their book, they can access this via the Accelerated Reader link towards the bottom of the page. Please see the front of your child’s planner for further guidance. 

Homework: please see above for reading homework, all other homework will be sent out on a Friday, ready for collection on the following Wednesday. When homework has not been completed, children will lose part of a lunchtime to ensure it is completed, as it is important they get into good habits in readiness for the high school. You can access the homework via the homework pencil below.

Some websites to support Maths and English: 




Homework will be given out on a Friday to be completed for the following Wednesday. Spellings will be set on Spelling Shed following the year 6 scheme of work.

If you have any questions relating to any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate in contacting me. I can be contacted through the school office using the email address below or by phone. I will then endeavour to reply within 48 hours. 

[email protected] 


Sites to access:

Doodle Maths


Accelerated Reader.png

Spelling Shed.JPG



Time Tables Rock Stars » Elmwood Junior School



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