SEND Parent / Carer Forum
Dear Parent /Carers,
Every half term we hold a very useful and friendly parent/carer coffee, tea, cakes morning or afternoon for all of our families whose children may have special educational needs. These meetings give us an opportunity to discuss and reflect on what is going well, what could be improved and also to create a plan of people we could invite to our meetings who could support us all in lots of ways. The best part of these meetings is that parents/carers have the opportunity to meet each other, feel listened to and to share really good advice/tips.
These meetings are always warm, friendly and non judgmental, they remain confidential and, I feel, developed a very strong positive network of people who came together, staff, families and other professionals to support our children to achieve their very best emotionally, socially and academically.
It would be brilliant if you could attend. If you are unable to make any of the dates please do not worry, my intention is for us to meet each half term so there will be other opportunites to meet up.
If you have any ideas/points for discussion please pop them into an email and i can create a list for us for our meetings.
Kind regards
Mrs Henshall