Mrs Matthew's Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Matthew

  Summer 2

Welcome Year 3

Welcome back to school for the second half of Summer Term. 

We kindly ask that you ensure your child arrives to school on time, ready and prepared for the day ahead. Punctuality is crucial as it sets the tone for the day and enables our students to start their learning at 8.40am.  

Moreover, please remember to label all your child's belongings, including their uniform, bags, and lunchboxes. This helps us ensure that lost items can be easily returned to their rightful owners. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.

We place great importance on open communication and are here to assist you in any way we can. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch through Seesaw or my email: [email protected]. I aim to reply to messages as soons as I am able. 

Our General Information about school life in Y3 is at the bottom of the page. 

Quick Links:

AR Webpage

Doodle Maths

Emilie Spelling


Tying Your Shoelaces 

Weekly Learning Journey:



In English this term, we will be exploring the book 'Varjak Paw'. Varjak is a Mesopotamian Blue cat, an exotic and ancient breed descended from the legendary adventurer and hunter, Jalal. As Varjak listens to his grandfather recount the mesmerizing tales of Jalal, the fabled ancestor begins to visit him in his dreams, inspiring the young kitten with his tales of bravery and daring.

Book Cover.jpg

This week we will be completing our writing of the letter to the Elder Paw.


Each day, our Maths lessons begin with a focus on improving our fluency in arithmetic and times tables knowledge.  

We continuing to explore Perimeter. 


Our area of Science we will be exploring this half term will be Plants. This week we will be comparing plant growth in a range of conditions. 


This half term we will be learning about volcanoes and why would someone chose to live near one. This week we will continue to explore what earthquakes are. 


We will be exploring classic Western music. 


We will be exploring events, actions and programmes.


This half term we will be learning about growing and changing.


Our focus in French this half term will be where we live.


Our focus in PE will be Athletics and Rounders.


We will be exploring where morals come from.


We will be creating shell structures. 

General Information:


PE will be on Monday and Friday afternoons this half term. If there are any changes these will be uploaded to the website and announced on Seesaw.  Please ensure children come to school in their PE kit on these days. As the weather is fluctuating, children should wear the appropriate PE kit.  A reminder that our PE kit consists of a coloured t-shirt along with the school logo, shorts and black trainers; if it is cold, joggers are allowed. 


As always, can we please remind parents that if you wish to provide a break time snack for your child it should be something healthy such as fruit and something appropriate in size. There is always fruit available if your child forgets their snack. The children can bring in their own water bottle daily which must only have water (not juice) in. 


Please read with your child daily as this will have an impact on all areas of their learning.  It is expected that children read at least 4 times a week. Please feel free to record their reading in their planner. We would like you to sign your child's diary at the end of the week so that you and we know that this is happening. Reading diaries will be signed weekly when your child has their Guided Reading Session.

Reading so often, every day, both at home and at school, should enable your child to take a book quiz within two weeks - sometimes perhaps three. We will continue to encourage the children to ensure that they can take the appropriate number of quizzes. If your children would like to quiz on their book, please use the Accelerated Reader Webpage link at the bottom of the page. 


Seesaw is an excellent resource that many of you are familiar with already. Please ensure you are signed up as soon as possible as I will be sharing pictures of the children, information about the school day and any announcements. It is also the best way to contact me if you wish to discuss any matters relating to any aspect of school life.  I aim to reply within 48 hours. If you have any questions regarding Seesaw, please speak to me at the end of the school day. 


This will be sent home weekly on a Friday and is now expected to be completed by the following Thursday. It can be found outlined on our Brain Builder (clicking on the pencil below). It will consist of spellings and times tables to focus on; Maths, which will be set online using MyMaths; and Grammar skills which can be completed in the book sent home . Please ensure your child returns their Grammar books to school for marking on Fridays. Please find links to MyMaths, Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstar and Accelerated Reader at the top of the page.




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