Mrs Dyde & Miss Baggaley's Class 2024 - 2025
Mrs Dyde
Mrs Baggaley
Hello everyone and a happy new year to you all. Wecome back to our Spring Term. As before we have planned a variety of exciting learning opportunities throughout our topics and hopefully there is something for everyone as you will see from the enrichment activities below and the annual plan.
You will still find the overview for the year for Year 5 on the Annual Curriculum Plan. This will give you an idea of all the things we will be doing, although occassionally this may be subject to change throughout the term depending on interests and texts found. You will also find a document which outlines the national expectations for Year 5 and whilst some children may be working above or slightly below these expectations we hope it provides you with a guide. On our class page you will also find weekly updates giving an outline plan for the week and this will include the homework set. There will also be notices posted on our class page when appropriate.
Enriching our Curriculum.
In addition to the daily learning, this year we have several different enrichment activities planned for your children which will include:
Spring term - a VR science workshop enhancing our topic on Space, plus a Victorian workshop (a day set aside in school) linking to our History topic.
Summer term - a visit by Animal Magic, a truly wonderful experience where children can actually be hands-on with the animals, linking to Science and our Y5 /Y6 production.
As a reminder our school day begins at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm. We would ask that your child arrives to school on time, ready and prepared for the day ahead and being in school for 8:40 is a great way to start the day.
Our class book this term is The Abominables by Eva Ibbotson
This is a lovely story.
Set high on a Himalayan mountain, a young explorer is asleep in her tent. At midnight she is snatched by a gigantic, hairy monster - and never seen again. Agatha Farlingham has been kidnapped by a yeti. But she soon discovers that he is a brave and noble beast. His family is in danger - and he needs her help.
We will be using this book as our main stimulus this term and use the opportunity to write in different genres in English based on events from the book.
Keeping you up to date with our Weekly Learning Journey

Week Beginning 10th February 2025
We have our VR Workshop this week on Space - we can't wait!
English - As usual we continue to review different features of grammar in warm-up acitivities using Rollama. This week, now we have gathered our evidence we will be publihsing our argument. Do yeti's exist?
Guided reading will continue this week, as before, in small groups this group where we will explore and develop different reading skills, answering a range of questions. The children, when not in Guided reading, will have the opportunity to read during the morning, having ERIC - Enjoyable Reading in Class and to read short articles on which they can complete a quiz. We will also be having a range of non-fiction books, based on our topics, which the children can read this term.
Everyone should have a reading book which reflects their reading range from the Star Tests completed.
Maths - Each day, our Maths lessons begin with a focus on improving our fluency in arithmetic and times tables knowledge.
This week we continue following MNP. We are now comparing fractions, mixed number and improper and will then move on to addition and subtraction of fractions.
Science - This half term we focus on Space. This week we will be looking at how we describe the movement of the moon, relative to the Earth.
Geography- This half term we focus on what it is like to live in the Alps. We turn our attention to Alsager, to make comparisons to innsbruck and what draws people to live in Alsager.
Art - This half term we will be exploring different artists and how they use mixed media to show land and city scapes. This week we will begin to build our composition piece, starting by creating a background for our mountain landscape.
Music - This term is all about music and words! The children will brush up their Italiano, improvise musical conversations, copy and echo responses, rhythm and beat, scat like Ella Fitzgerald and compose music inspired by poetry!
ICT - This half term we explore databases, what information they can hold and how easy it is to sort through and search for information that is recorded.
RE - We will be exploring this term the views of different religions regarding what happens when people die. As this may be a sensitive topic we will approach this in a sympathetic manner. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
French - This half term we will be investigating language associated with the market and will include naming fruits and vegetables, using money, counting and conversations held when buying items.
PE- PE changes this term to Monday and Thursday. Beginning next week Y5 are swimming on a Monday. The children should come in PE kit, remember their swimming kit, which includes their costume or swimming trunks, goggles if required and a towel. They will need a coat each week as they will be walking to Alsager School and the weather cannot be guaranteed this time of year. The other PE session will be on Friday as before.
Please do continue to encourage your child to read and record their home reading. There is an expectation that the children will read at least 4 times a week at home. In Year 5 we encourage the children to be more independent and record their own reading in their reading diaries wherever possible, however we would like you to sign your child's diary at the end of the week so that you and we know that this is happening - this is greatly appreciated.
Reading diaries will be checked daily and signed weekly when your child has their Guided Reading Session. Reading so often, every day, both at home and at school, should enable your child to take a book quiz within two weeks - sometimes perhaps three. We will continue to encourage the children to ensure that they can take the appropriate number of quizzes. I know there are some who have previously achieved word millionaire and equally some who have already achieved more words read than they did last year- something they should take pride in. We look forward to seeing just how many words the children can read and who can reach the millionaire status.
7th February - Homework has been set for the week.
See the file below, or click on the pencil to remind yourselves of what has been set.
This will usually be sent home every week on a Friday but is expected to be completed by the following Thursday. It can be found outlined on our Brain Builder (clicking on the pencil above) which will be added to our class page weekly. It will consist of spellings and times tables to focus on; Maths, which will be set online using Doodle (or provided on sheets) and Grammar skills which can be completed using Rollama, these results will then be checked by ourselves. If your child is finding it difficult to complete the homework or experiencing difficulty in accessing online homework then please do let us know as there is a homework club provided one lunchtime during the week. Any incomplete homework will result in the children staying in during a lunchtime to complete it.
Seesaw has also proven to be an excellent way of sharing information about the school day, sharing any announcements and most importantly pictures of your children in action at school. Please do make sure you can still access this or are signed up. Seesaw is also a good way to contact us both if you have any questions relating to school in general and we will aim to reply within 48 hours.
PE and PPA
This term we have PE sessions on a Monday and a Thursday so please remember to come to school in correct PE kit. Remember to bring swimming kit on a Monday.
Water bottles
Please ensure your child brings their water bottle to school every day and that it is clearly identifiable. The children should bring in sufficient water to ensure that they have access to refreshment during the day which keeps them hydrated.
Please also make sure your child brings in what is necessary for school which includes their reading diary and reading book daily; lunch boxes if required and water bottles. All of these will return home each day.
If you have any questions relating to any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate in contacting us. We can be contacted through the school office using the email address below or through Seesaw. We will then endeavour to reply within 48 hours.
Meanwhile please do make use of the websites listed below.
Dates for your diary
Disco Thursday 13th February.

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