School Closure Support

Dear Parents/Carers, 

ROBert explains the Coronavirus to children

2 Metre social distancing song for children

Please see the uploaded Mental Health and wellbeing toolkits from the Anna Freud website

The THRIVE Approach have released a fabulous parent support toolkit - if you click on the link below it will show you how it can support you and your child at home during COVID19

During the school closures there are lots of places to access advice/support for your yourself and your family.
Below we have created a directory of places you can click on to find out more about the support that is available.
Please take care of each other and remember to contact your GP directly for any medical advice/support.

Below I have listed a number of Websites, Charities and Helplines to support families with bereavement. If you feel you are struggling with bereavement at the moment please contact me and I can help you to access some support.

  • Jigsaw: Helpline and information.
  • NSPCC: Helpline, information and activities for children
  • The Compassionate Friends: Helpline, supporting adults after the death of a child.
  • Grief Encounter: Information and helpline.
  • Marie CurieHelpline for terminal illness.
  • Cruse Bereavement Care: Resources, information and helpline, supporting people who have been affected by the pandemic especially.
  • Winston’s Wish: Information, books and resources for helping children with bereavement, including information and support on how to deal with current difficult issues, such as not being able to attend funerals.
  • Barnardo’s: Child bereavement service
  • British Heart Foundation: Practical guide on what needs to be done when someone dies.
  • Lullaby Trust: Bereavement support after the passing of a baby or child
  • Young Minds: Wealth of information including downloadable guides and links to further help.
  • The Good Grief Trust: Bereavement support and information, as well as virtual support through a ‘virtual café’ via zoom.
  • Mind: Mental health support during coronavirus and bereavement support.
  • Give us a Shout: Text helpline.
  • Samaritans: General listening support. 116 123

Websites for Children and Young People

  • Childline‘Calm zone’ with activities and online games.
  • KoothOnline Counselling platform for children and young people
  • Hope AgainThe youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care.

Websites with Downloadable Resources


If you are aware of any support networks that I may have missed please email me at [email protected] so that I can share them with our families. 

  updated parent information regarding COVOD19



This is a great video to support families to talk about Covid19 with their children

The NSPCC has created a new webpage with information and advice for parents or carers who are worried a child or young person may be struggling with their mental health or has anxiety about Coronavirus. The webpage includes information on: talking about feelings and worries; keeping in touch and balancing screen time; ways to create structure and routine; and helping to give children a sense of control.

Talking to a child worried about coronavirus (COVID-19)

Emerging Minds, in collaboration with the University of Reading and the University of Oxford, has published evidence-based advice for parents and carers supporting children and young people with worries about Coronavirus. A resource list from trusted sources is also available which includes links grouped by age category and resources for children and young people with specific needs.

Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19 (PDF)

Recommended resources

Resources for autistic people and families 




Mental Health Helpline - 0300 303 3972

Local NHS Trust, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP), has launched a new mental health helpline for residents of Cheshire West, Cheshire East and Wirral.

Open 24 hours a day, seven-days a week, it is open to people of all ages including children and young people who need urgent mental health support.

What to do if you need urgent mental health help:

  • Please call 0300 303 3972 and our dedicated local NHS staff will support you to access the help you need;
  • The helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages – including children and young people;
  • The helpline is now the first port of call for mental health help – it is operated by people in your local area who will know how best to support you. If you call NHS111 you may have to wait longer for help and will be re-directed to this local service – so call 0300 303 3972;
  • Please note, A&E and 999 are not the best places to get help for the majority of mental health problems – call 0300 303 3972 to be directed to the best local service to support you;
  • You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life-threatening emergency requiring mental or physical health assistance;
  • For non-urgent help and general wellbeing advice, the CWP website contains information and links to resources to support people with anxiety, low mood, and worries relating to the current Covid-19 pandemic
  • For children and young people there is also a dedicated website


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