Mrs Harry's Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Harry



This is our Year 2 class page.


Autumn Term 2

Welcome back to a very busy half term.


  Below is our learning journey for this week. 

The school day will now begin at 8.45am and finish at 3.15pm.  Please try to be punctual as this will help to ease congestion on the path outside the gates.


PE will be on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon during this part of the term.  Please ensure that during this term the children come to school in their PE kit on these days.  I would suggest they wear their winter PE kit as these sessions will be outside as much as possible.


As always can we please remind parents that if you wish to provide a break time snack for your child it should be something healthy such as fruit.  There is always fruit available if your child forgets their snack. The children can bring in their own water bottle daily which must only have water (not juice) in. 

Reading and Phonics:

Phonics is taught everyday in small groups.  

The children are assessed regularly to ensure they are in the correct phonics grouping and that their reading level is in line with their phonics development. It would be lovely for you to spend time reading to your child and having discussions about the book you have read.  

As the children are now progressing through the book levels some of them will be added to the Accelerated Reader scheme.  This should be up and running now for those children who are using it and the children have their reading levels inside the back page of their reading diaries.  Alongside this these children will be in a guided reading group where they will be learning key comprehension skills.

Please read with your child daily as this will have an impact on all areas of their learning.  Please ensure you record their reading in their planner.  You may wish to write a comment but please do not feel that you have to.

If you wish to send me a message then please feel free to write in your child's planner but please ask them to pass it to me as I do not always check the planners daily.


Click on the pencil to see your homework list or find it in the list of files below.  



  • Explore Doodle learning website (login details in front of diaries) Play on this as often as you wish - you can gain coins and win a certificate from Mrs Dyde for the most coins won in our class.
  • Rollama is where we consolidate and learn more grammar and spelling patterns.
  • Spelling Shed and Emile - logins are in the front of reading diaries. Use this as often as you wish or just practise writing your spellings out in different colours or in sentences.
  • Reading EVERY DAY! Please ensure you (or your child) is writing in their diary when reading.

Some dates for your diary

Llandudno residential - Thursday 1st May - Friday 2nd May




The pictures below takes you to some games to help learn time.

Please note I have added a copy of the clock (in the file section) we will be using in school if you want to print it off and use it to help practise at home.

top marks telling time(1).JPG 

This weeks learning journey:


This week we are back to writing about our class book Bog Baby.  We will be making playdough to create our own Bog Baby and then writing a set of instructions.

Maths Assessment week 

Fluency in arithmetic - everyday

We will using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to finish our learning about division.

We will be assessing the children at the end of the week on what they have learnt so far in maths.


Science for the first half term is Everyday Materials.  This week we be identifying and cpomparing the suitability of different materials.


This term we will be looking at Textiles – 2D shape to 3D product.  We will be making puppets.

Music - Charanga delivered by Mrs Lindblad.

We will also be learning the songs for our christmas performance.


This half term we will be focusing on health and well being in PSHE.



We will be learning about the significance of the Wright Brothers and others in the history of flight. This week we questioning why the moon landing was special?


This term we focus on 'What candles mean to people.' – This week we will be asking why candles are used during Advent.


Our focus this term in Computing is - Digital photography.









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