Junior Safeguarding Team

We have been really lucky to meet different people as part of our role in school over the last few weeks. Mrs Howard, our safeguarding governor visited us this week to discuss her role as governor and also to explore our roles as Junior Safeguarding Ambassadors. She was very impressed with what we had achieved so far and our ideas for the rest of the year.

A few weeks ago we also met Ruth Gee from the SCIES Team. She talked about her role and we asked lots of questions. She talked about the importance of our roles and responsibilities and we shared why we wanted to be Junior Safeguarding Ambassadors. 
Last week we linked up with Parliament UK with our School Council to learn about the role of Parliament and how laws are passed and MPs are voted in like we were. It was great to understand about the laws that keep our country safe and how they have to have Royal approval. 
As part of Anti-bullying week we all designed a hexagon with one kind word, this was the theme this year, and it means we have 230 kind words which will be proudly displayed in our hall for us to reflect on over this term and beyond. We also discuss ed respect this week in assembly and how this contributed to making our school safer and a joyful place to learn.

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