Zoom Tutorials

Dear Parents / Carers

                I hope you and your families remain safe and well. My thanks once again for your patience and support this week. It has not been an easy week for all of us! As promised, your child’s class teacher will begin their daily Zoom tutorials with their classes next week (starting Monday 11th January). These will be a chance for your child to have daily contact with their teacher, discuss the work they have been set on their class page, ask any questions they might have and ask for any help or support they might need. These Zoom tutorials will vary in length depending on the content and if the member of staff is in school that week supervising other children. For those children who are in school (deemed vulnerable and those of key workers), there is no need for them to attend these Zoom tutorials, as they are receiving day to day support and contact from staff anyway and we do not have enough devices to share among all the children who are in school.

Your child’s class teacher will e mail you with an invitation to the meeting. This obviously relies on us having the correct e mail address for you. If you do not receive an email invitation by the end of the day on Monday 11th January, then please contact us on [email protected] with your correct address so we can update our records. Similarly, if you are having issues with internet or device access, then please contact school and we will do our best to help. We want all children to be able to access these remote tutorials.

The staff have been given some guidance to follow for these calls and can you please ensure that your child follows all the remote learning protocols below

· They must be suitably dressed.

· Please do not allow them to conduct these calls in their bedroom or the bathroom.

· A member of staff will never have a one to one call with a child – there will always be someone else on the call.

· At the start of each call, please make sure the camera and microphone is turned off. These should both remain turned off unless told otherwise by their teacher.

· Expectations in terms of pupil behaviour are the same as if they were in school, children will be reminded of this at the start of each tutorial. Please remind your son / daughter of this. Staff have been told that a child can be asked to leave the call if their behaviour is not appropriate.

· Please make sure your child ‘leaves’ the meeting when they are told to by their teacher.

· As parents / carers, these tutorials are public calls and so if you have an individual or private concern or issue, please contact the school directly.


I really hope your son / daughter and you find these remote tutorials useful and beneficial. This is a new way of working for the school and the staff, so please be patient with us initially while staff familiarise themselves with this approach. There are bound to be some teething issues initially but they will be sorted out over the first week or so.


My thanks once again for all your continued support and understanding.


Kind regards


Richard Middlebrook

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